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Home Resources Events Climate Considerations when Developing Updated Seed Zones

Climate Considerations when Developing Updated Seed Zones

  • Webinar
When April 26, 2017
Where forestrywebinars.net
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11 AM, April 26, 2017.

Aurelia BacaPlease join the USDA Forest Service Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetics Resources team for its second discussion about what it will takes to create seed zone guidelines to serve as tools for improved collaborations and partnership in the region.  Aurelia Baca, Climate Specialist with the Southeast Regional Climate Hub (SERCH), will deliver a lecture on the climate science factors that must be considered when developing updated seed zones for the southeastern United States. After the lecture, participants will share their own expertise and have further opportunities to get involved in the effort.  Connect with our forum and join the conversation!

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